Leads qualification
Currently there are 5 main tags for lead qualification which you can select: 'Good', 'Bad', 'Existing', 'Follow Up' and “Divert”
Qualifying lead as Good:
After selecting the 'Good' tag(button) you will be displayed two options (sub-tags) – 'Appointment' and ‘No Appointment’. Please note in order to select this tag, a contact needs to be created first.
Selecting the ‘Appointment’ sub-tag will lead to booking an appointment for the contact.
Selecting the ‘No Appointment’ sub-tag will lead to ‘Follow Up’ process.
If the lead has already been qualified as ‘Good’ before, the ‘Good’ main tag will be disabled and the Appointment and No Appointment sub-tags will be displayed.
In this case 'Good' + 'Appointment’ will lead to booking an appointment.
'Good' + ‘No Appointment’ will lead to leaving notes.
Qualifying lead as Bad
After selecting ‘Bad’ tag for a lead you will be displayed multiple options (sub-tags) in order to select the reason for that qualification of the lead.
Qualifying lead as Existing
Selecting the 'Existing’ main tag if you are in contact with an already existing client will lead you to leaving notes in order to complete the task. Please note this tag can be enabled only if you associate the task first:
Initiating Follow Up process
If you want to follow up on a customer later, you can initiate a 'Follow Up' process by selecting the 'Follow Up' main tag and then selecting the date and time you want to contact the client again.
Selecting the 'Divert' tag allows you to mark a contact/interactor so that future interactions are routed to Call Center for two weeks. After selecting it, you will also have the possibility to leave notes.
One-Time Call
'One-Time Call’ main tag appears after you have created the task through the “Interactors” menu on the top dashboard.
Transferring a task
When completing a task that you have transferred to another user or queue you will see the message: This task has been transferred. Please click SUBMIT to complete it.