1. Navigate to a Contact Profile.
  2. Under Profile, click on the Details Tab.
  3. Under Personal Info > Marital Status, click Married.
  4. Enter a Contact into the spouse field.
    1. If the Contact already exists, then begin typing the name and select it from the drop-down.
    2. If the Contact does not exist, then click on the black magnifying glass and click +New inside the pop-up of the Contact List to create a new Contact.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click on Matters in the left column under Profile.
  7. Click +New.
  8. Select if the Matter will be General or Bankruptcy.
  9. Select your Chapter.
  10. Joint will default as the Type of Matter.
  11. Enter your Jurisdiction information.
    1. Fill in the Search by Zip Code field and click the Enter button on your keyboard to automatically populate the remaining fields.
    2. Click Save & Open.