1. In the top-right corner of the screen, click on your user name.
  2. In the drop-down, select Manage My Account.
  3. In your User Profile, click on the ECF/PACER Credentials Tab.
  4. Click the icon to add PACER User Name and Password.
    1. Every user will need to add their own PACER Credentials.
    2. This is used for the PACER Sync function of CourtView that downloads the docket text and pdf.
    3. This is also used to check if a case has already been filed on the court site to avoid duplicate filings.
  5. Click the icon to add ECF User Name, Password, Jurisdiction, and Authorized Filers.
    1. Only users with the Role of Attorney can add ECF Credentials.
    2. These credentials will be used for filing on the court site.
    3. All attorneys can add one set of credentials per jurisdiction.
    4. Select the names of users that you want to be able to file on behalf of you in the Authorized Filers field.